Lion of Junior Member
Played by Gunner

lucien hanover

He wasn't able to get too close to the trunk before a feline head popped out from inside of it, causin' Lucien to stop in his tracks for a few moments. The hackles along his spine, although drenched, aimed to bristle, his ears pinnin' themselves backward and into his soaked mane. Golden eyes would squint at the vision, not out of hostility or fear but to keep the droplets of rain from interferin' with his sight. A brow would rise and another step would be taken toward the hollowed out tree trunk, lettin' a shoulder shrug as his response to her comment. "I ain't lookin' t' steal yer haven, if that's what ya' think." He didn't even assume the trunk was hollowed out enough to fit a lion of his stature, anyways. As a matter of fact, he didn't think the trunk was hollowed out at all.

"I Think I'd have a better time waitin' out the rain out in the open at this rate." As his deep, drawlin' voice continued, right front paw would lift from the ground and motion toward himself, speakin' about how he was already soaked to the bone and it wouldn't make much use for him to find a sheltered area to start to dry off. His mane alone would take several hours to dully dry, at least. Yellow eyes would shift a bit, takin' in his current surrounding's before findin' their way back to the stranger. "What a time t' take a walk, am I right?" Why not try to throw in some humor at the series of unfortunate events Lucien was livin' in right now?


table by ferus, art by driftyworks
