Empress of Ithilien
Played by Nova

The beast that had ruined a nice, pleasant stroll through the moments was exactly that. A tense bother to her otherwise beautiful day and she felt rattled by his insufferable need to pin the blame on her. For screeching at her for not moving when it was quite clear that she hadn't quite had the opportunity to do so. With as big a beast as he was, his speed was quite clear and his parameters for what he took down with him quite larger than that of a smaller build.

There was no excuse for his treatment and she scoffed upon her turn, only to realize that he seemed to dismiss all of it with a growl and a snarl in her direction. Assumingly, he responded in such a way to her defensive targeting. Rightly so. A rock gave out was his ultimate excuse and she rolled her eyes. That still didn't qualify him to be angry at her for not moving. Tintalle struggled to something something smartass-y about the cave that he seemed to be pointing out (that she unintentionally was leading herself towards) but decided none of it would help the situation in the least.

Not sure. Why don't you get lost in it and find out? Was her tribute to the comment she had wanted to make. A snarky attitude brimming deep below as she struggled to simply get over his quick-to-blame-others mentality. Somewhere beneath the surface she tried to reason that he could've meant it in a nice way... like I'm sorry you didn't get enough time to move out of the way but she was winning the fight and pushed it away.
