Lion of Junior Member
Played by Hinter

The weak light filtering through the trees was a threat of the unpredictable weather patterns the jungle often had. Mowgli barely hears the thunder, nosing past a patch of dangling vines to check behind them. Was Ru playing hide and seek? Or had he been taken?

His son's thin, panicked voice rose up through the leaves and Mowgli's attention snapped toward it's direction. "Ruairi, shey kuuraa zeläyooiel!" (Ruairi, listen to my voice!) he chittered, smoothing out his baritone to a calmer but still clearly-loud call, "Sho j'iel, zika bini, sho ahash." (Come toward me, it's okay, come here.) Despite his steady voice, his heart hammered in his chest and his throat felt dry.

If Ru was too scared to come out, he would have to find him, but until he had a firmer idea of where he was in the leaves he hovered anxiously.
