Lion of Prideless
Played by Tyrannidae

The dark-pelted male knew that, sooner rather than later, she would ask of his exile. He had brought it up just to get this out of the way. This was always the way it went with anyone he met. Why not face the questions sooner then, eh? She questioned the reasoning of his people for sending him to his fate, whatever that might be, away from his homeland. He scoffed at the way she honeyed her words with the silver tongue fit for a woman such as herself. Proud, fierce and intelligent.

"I cannot know what they reasoned in their own minds when they made their decision to send me to my fate. What I do know is that it matters not. I am not my past, and I am not one of them any longer. That much you can be certain, and that is all you need to know."

His answer was stern, confident and coated in a darkness that may lead anyone to believe that he was not naturally as harmless and peaceful as he had been making himself out to be since he had arrived. He was quite full of surprises, and now, filled with a new burning ambition. Thankfully, if her honeyed tone could be believed, his answer did not matter much to her anyway.

Now the blood-hued female lowered her guard. Her ears perked to him as she moved closer and closer still. So close, in fact, that she was no longer at a safe distance away... yet her steely gaze never released him from their fixed, animalistic watch. Muninn found it rather pleasing that it took such a short time for her to trust him enough to get so close. He still had a way with others, this much was certain... and this gave him newfound hope in himself. He had not fallen far. His own gaze met hers, matching the intensity carefully.


He deliberately refused to answer her first question. He would not tolerate her questioning him and his ambition. Let her believe that he was inspired to do her bidding, as he had offered earlier. He instead offered the title he wished to be called. Unbeknownst to her, since she did not speak the language of his people, the name he gave to himself would put him in higher standing than the name he had given her.

She held with high resolve the mere name of 'woman' due to the meaning he had assigned to it. Munnin, however, would not be truthful in simply giving her the male equivalent 'mannen'.

He would be a fool to do anything short of take this opportunity to title himself as the 'King'.

Of Mind and Memory
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("Hellu, I am Muni, and I'm New Boot Goofin' out here!")
Beware of Muninn. He is going though some changes. He can and will become quite erratic!
He is very likely to attempt bodily harm to your character, even when UNPROVOKED!!