Lioness of Prideless
Played by Cat

Head jerked around to stare back at the bank when a voice met her waterlogged ears. Hair, still wet from her most recent dunk under, clung to her and refused to give a good enough part to truly see the beast that had called out to her. With a huff, she waded back to shore until all four paws were planted back on solid ground. A front one rose to push the pale locks from her face. It was still a matted mess elsewhere.

She was met with an interesting sight. Toes wiggled in the water she still stood in. Droplets rolled down her bodice. Most of the loose debris had washed from her coat and left patches of ivory and cream to show through. "Oh!" She exclaimed as eyes roamed the interesting shades of the other. Especially the hair that was ever so vibrant. " 'Hola! I am Basilia Genoveva." Her rather chipper mood spilled into her tone as she stepped forward with a bit more excitement.
