Cub of Prideless
Played by Cat

The silence dragged on for hours, or so it seemed to the babe. Seconds ticked by and Fenella did not remove her gaze from the lioness and her prize. A smile slowly formed on her lips as she noticed the other had given in. The chunk was ripped off and tossed in her direction. That was enough to please the girl. With a yip of excitement, she bound forward and tore tiny teeth into the hunk of meat. Ears, however, remained pointed in the direction of the stranger as she spoke. For a moment the girl paused. Her talk with her mother about death was still fresh to her memory. "I'd die." It was a simple, emotionless statement as she lifted her eyes to briefly search the strangers.

Attention was thin though and it soon slid back to the food that she greedily gobbled down in a messy manner. "Ma? She is brown too and has fluffy hairs all around." Paw raised to circle her neck in reference. "Pa is same, but bigger with more hairs." She described them to her best knowledge, as lacking detail as that might of been.
