Empress of Ignis Empire
Played by Karasu

Volcan was suprised, to say the least, when a small voice pipped up. A slight snarl erupted from her maw as she whipped her eyes down onto the tiny brown cub, her aggressive stance falling quickly into that of a perplexed one. Ember gaze scanned the ledge and she sniffed at the air, detecting no trace of another, older lion. The obsidian goddess returned her attention to the child, head head up and paws draped over the carcass, but no further move of the food was made. Little one- where is your caretaker? How did you make your way up the mountain anyhow? she questioned. Curled ears pricked up to listen for a response, her mind wracking possibilities. Orphan? Likely. Lone children were oddly high in population among these lands. But that still left the question- how she managed her way up the mountainside without being picked off by something, falling, or freezing? The sky had already been clouded, but now small flakes began to drift down. She contemplated returning to the crag she had sheltered in the night before.

art by Habitual Nightmare#5003, code by naboo