Rex of Ignis Empire
Played by Fess

Tipped ears twitch slightly and then smoothly swivel to point twoards the direction of hurried pawsteps. It seemed he was about to have company. Vivid, hauntingly poison green and fire yellow eyes drift across to rest upon the feline form. HIs eyes a mirror of the one who came before him in color and pattern, eerie perhaps, but certainly striking.

Her words make him smile, suddenly and with an amusement that sparks into his gaze. Black lips lift at the corners, curling, flashing just a glimpse of longer than average canines with the motion. Behind caramel haunches his tail curls up in a graceful arch before descending back to the cool stone ground in a contemplative motion echoed by the slight tilt of his crown.

"Indeed. And the windbreak." words are silken and rich, just the very edge of an accent woven through each casual syllable as the reason for his reclining in that position is calmly offered in a social manner. "Do you wish to pass? I am willing to move if needed." he was not against rising and moving aside slightly so she could slip within the confines if that was her desire.

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