Lioness of Junior Member
Played by Nova

The woman could've hoped that he would simply allow her response to be as it was. That he could see she didn't know how to appropriately express her worries, fears or concerns with him, let alone anyone else including herself. She just had an irrational anxiety that sometimes seemed quite rational in her head. Anxiety that crushed everything in her that might be good and strong. Again, that trauma just always came to bite her in the ass - waiting for the other shoe to drop, so to speak.
The laugh he gave was almost comforting to her. Feeling as though she wasn't the only way that just didn't know how the betrothed thing worked. Years ago it had been set up for them by their parents but after having only met once it was taken away from them. Mother had told her a few times about Cadenza and Kilian, but as the years went on the stories seemed to fade. As it seemed more and more less likely that they'd ever see them again. Surprise! I've never been very good at talking, or anything, really, but she wasn't about to say that out loud. Harper had never been given much of a chance to figure out the things that she enjoyed most in the world.
She'd always been a decent listener and had enjoyed the company of spirits and the knowledge that came with them, but that had been few and far between. Her cousin, Glacier, suddenly creeping into her mind and she felt a cold chill rush through her. Realizing suddenly that he was back there - where chaos had struck and they'd been forced from their home but where did he go? Quickly her brain zipped away from that, hoping her expression hadn't shown that she'd disappeared for a second. Quite a possibility, she imagined a hare was around here somewhere given their location. Perhaps a doe but without a substantial food source in the desert she doubted they'd cross here where their view of two lions wasn't blanketed.
