Lioness of Prideless
Played by Plymouth

The gnawing in her gut was far too incessant to ignore. She was hungry and with or without a pride, she was going to have to hunt. It was annoying, how dependent she was on the shitheads but she would prevail with or without them. The blue woman was far too stubborn to just roll over and die without giving it a real go. She would make it, she would live, and she would find something to hunt.

The woman was out in the desert heat. It didn't feel great but that was something that couldn't be helped. Food first and then her comfort would be next. So, the woman walked out of the place she'd bedded in for the night and began to try to track down something to eat. Her mouth opened, testing the air as she tried to locate something to hunt.

There. She could taste the pungent odor of a fox. Not her first choice of food but beggars couldn't be choosers. So, she followed the scent on light paws as she finally was able to locate the create as it tracked a mouse. How poetic.

Blue lowered herself to the ground as she stalked it, looking for the perfect opportunity. However, it seemed as if the wind changed as the fox twitched its little nose and then looked back across the sands. Blue's pelt was not exactly adapted to the sandy landscape and very quickly the fox let out an alarm call and dashed away. Blue snarled in frustration then took off after the fox. The sand was not easy to run across and she felt as if she was sinking and couldn't get good traction as she chased the creature. In the end, she lost it in a hole and the woman barely managed to skid to a stop before she smacked into it.

"Shit!" She hissed in frustration, turning away from the hole and towards a place that she hadn't noticed. There was a tree there, a shaded area with a red, white, and black lioness. Great... She didn't want her failures broadcasted to everyone.

352| @Wokabi | notes

"Whatever it takes,"
I love the adrenaline in my veins

Lion © Michael Rodock | Coding & Manip © Plymouth