Lioness of Prideless
Played by Cat

The smile, though not one for happiness, still thrilled her. Breathe caught, but she forced it out anyways as her eyes immediately jumped from Keiran for a moment. Though quickly they returned as he mentioned the others. Rue gave a sharp nod. She had not seen the majority of the others either and by the way that her second spoke, he had not as well. "I've found Vex. She be stayin' nearby enough 'n already collectin' her 'grass'." She commented on the meet up she had with her sister. It wasn't a bad thing to get a head start on herbs if Rue planned to follow through with her next course.

After all, she still knew little about the rest of the lions who may live within the realm. Their skills and power were new and foreign. Her first fight may even be a failure of a sort. If only to test the waters. If she did lose, she'd only move to the next one. Rue was most definitely not the type to retreat with a loss. Be it determination, or sheer stubbornness, it kept her will strong enough to try time and time again. Perhaps it was her persistence until success that had earned her respect. Or something different entirely.