Lioness of Junior Member
Played by Max

Unable to find her way out of the swamps, Daphne had settled into the thickness as a shelter of sorts. The pale cub wandered with splashing steps through the moistened terrain with a slight bounce to her step, stubby tail wiggling behind her as she walked. Sure--it was not ideal. Her thick coat felt suffocating with how it slicked against her sides. Even in the goopiness of it all, Daphne could not help but be glad to be alive and forced to assume that she must be pressing closer to home. The alternative was far more difficult to bear.

The distinct sound of a squish snatched her attention in an instant, causing the child to turn her head to try and locate the source of the sound. Or, should she be running away? Daphne considered her options while feeling torn between the two, pursing her lips tightly together in consideration.

"Who's there?" She called out warily, meeting herself in the middle and deciding to stay put while inviting the mysterious something closer.

Table by Naboo