Lioness of Junior Member
Played by Max

She heard a question ring out in response to her own, causing the girl to furrow her brow with irritation before she heard the splashing sounds of a determined approach. She took a few instinctual steps back as she watched its head break through the bushes--it, being a tiny cub. Relief washed over her like soothing waters instantaneously and she cracked a smile despite her previous irritation at being ignored.

"Oh, you're little, too!" She proclaimed with excitement. In all her wandering, this was the first cub she had met. She wondered if this was a wild child, sent to show her the ways of thriving on her own forever now that she had lost track of her pride.

"I'm not stuck, but I'm... lost," she corrected thoughtfully, forgetting that she was supposed to be very fearful against strangers. It just did not seem likely that a cub even younger than her could cause her harm. "Is this your home? It's really dirty. I mean, I still like it, but look how sticky I am," Daphne explained as she lifted an arm to demonstrate the swamp goop dripping from there.

Table by Naboo