Lioness of Prideless
Played by Sheena

It took all she had not to recoil as the other advanced even closer, for she was not used to having others in her personal space. She had been on the run most of her life, defending herself from others and surviving. Yet as she stood there, waiting for a response she was running the description through her mind. It clicked just as the other introduced themselves and then proclaimed they were cousins. While she knew her patterns were unique she hadn't expected her kin to recognize her without ever having met her before. It was a bit disturbing to her and yet she did not show it. Emotions sheltered behind a neutral mask as her mother had taught her.

She could not help the raised brow as the other lioness twirled after proclaiming them being related was cool. It was clear to her the other had probably not had the same upbringing she had, the same 'survive or die'. No, she had probably been sheltered in a pride and raised in a nice safe place. For a split second resentment rose upwards at the thought before she squished it down. "Thrilling." She drawled in response to Aines question. They were total opposites, Aine seemed to be hyperactive whereas she herself was calm, preferring to keep her emotions hidden. Dual-toned gaze watched as her cousin snapped at her own tail - a move a cub would make – and blinked in response. Finally, Aine was still and Wokabi let herself relax slightly, before noticing her being stared at once again. What was with people and staring?! "Hmm what?" She questioned, confused. Did she have something on her face? "Have you run into any other kin here?" While she had found her father, she had not seen her mother since she sacrificed herself to save Wokabi from the perverted clutches of Roman.

"Speech here"
