Lioness of Prideless
Played by Sheena

I'm familiar with the ways of others. But they are not the ways I use. Relief at his words that he was perhaps one of the good ones, despite his creepy staring in the beginning. While it had creeped her out she had not let it show, and now it seemed they were having a decent conversation. She was sure the staring probably would have creeped others out as well. "I'm glad. From what I remember of prides, it is better if they are full of friends. Family. Not those who resent being there." Not those who would stab you in the back the first chance they got.

She makes a note to remember his name once he offers it up, but his comment about being the last of his kind intrigues her, head cocking slightly she frowns. "Last of your kind? You have no plans for children in the future?" She assumed by his statement that his family was dead, and did not wish to bring up painful memories so thus, she does not ask about that.

"Speech Here"


In A Land Of Gods And Monsters
Me And God Don't Get Along