Lion of Prideless
Played by Zena

The shore was as close to a place to call home as anything else he'd found, particularly since Drakon and Hecuba had chosen to live here as well. They had their space, of course, but he wasn't too far away all things considered. Though they were no longer a pride, he still felt as though he should remain close, and he frequently patrolled the shores to keep an eye out for danger.

Just what that might look like, he didn't know, and he certainly knew they didn't have any claim to the space should someone decide to move in, but he still felt a compulsion to do so. Hence why he was out roaming the beach despite the chill in the morning air. The sand was cold under his paws, and such low temperatures he wasn't used to having spent the majority of his time in the desert. Perhaps he would grow used to it, he mused as he walked, leaving a trail of paw prints behind him.