Cub of Prideless
Played by Rico

It seemed like a millennium had passed since the young lioness witnessed anything that even remotely resembled structure or comfort or warmth. For days and days and days the youth observed nothing but stark white snow and the occasional outcropping of steel-gray rock, glistening sharply and uninvitingly with crystalline ice. It was all the same, a monotony she had gleefully flung herself into and now she was stuck trying to figure her way out of. Demetra would not admit that she was lost, not yet and perhaps not ever, even if she were to perish in this forsaken tundra although she had no plans for such an event.

Her golden eyes hurt from squinting against the bright topography, and her snow-caked paws were (bizarrely) both numb and sore from her travels but still she pressed onward. She was at least protected against the genuine danger of frostbite and hypothermia by the thick sun-kissed coat that wrapped around her growing frame, and Demetra knew in the back of her mind that she had been lucky to stumble across the abandoned carcass of some large antlered creature, although she was reluctant to admit that luck had anything to do with it.

Nevertheless, the fallen beast had sustained her for a few days before she abruptly decided it was unwise to remain by such a tantalizing source of meat. And she would claim that her decision had nothing to do with the large and overly aggressive birds of prey antagonizing her or the suggestion of other predators on the wind. No sir. Instead she turned her thoughts to the task at hand; attempting to navigate out of this frozen wasteland in an effort to make her way towards more habitable landscapes. Step by step the teenager moved forward, her head bowed rebelliously against the bitter wind and teeth gritted in frustration and determination.