Prince of Ignis Empire
Played by Twesh

"Mom." Sefu's voice cooed cooly and affectionately before turning around to even face the approaching Volcan. Each click of her claws on the stones around him caused a little twitch of one ear or the other and her strong powerful perfume whirled upwards around his nose to announce and proclaim her approach before his eyes found her round his left shoulder. The young son's face was warm as he grinned with a wickedly delighted lavender gaze. "Come come I have something I want to discuss with you." She was already well enough near to him but Sefu wanted more closeness and security.

He leaned his chocolate head nearer to Volcan's pointed ears and in volume his voice dropped. His whispers, hushed, his grin only growing further. "That woman who bested you- I want to make her my wife." He proclaimed in a jovial and bacchianalian sort of way; tones dancing at the end with a chuckle and flash of his teeth. "Do I have your approval?" Because that'd make life so much easier...
