Lion of Prideless
Played by Tyrannidae

The rain was violent today. The rain and wind, the thunder and lightning... it was as though someone had upset the Gods. What had troubled Thor this day? It was impossible to tell, but today was one of the rare days the elements sent Muninn searching for a useable shelter.

The vicious onslaught of rain had been completely merciless since the rising of the sun. Now it was almost midday, and still the clouds refused to yield their downpour. Muninn had managed to find refuge by ducking under the wide corner of a large boulder that jutted out of a rocky outcrop protruding from a steep hill.

He sat, looking very disgruntled. His mane hung in front of a dreadful glare, his ears set back in his drenched mane. To add insult, the rocky ground that he sat on was in fact another small, jagged, cratered boulder that backed up to the larger one offering shelter. The crater that he stood within, not surprisingly, collected water... so he got to enjoy the opportunity of sitting in a puddle as he waited out the endless rain.

Lightning struck the grasses just in front of him, smoke pluming up as though a fire had hoped to catch, but the rain had snuffed out the flame just as quick as the deafening thunderclap could sound.

The biting wind blew past him, and Minunn gritted his teeth against the unpleasantness of it. At the very least, he could be thankful that there was plenty of room under his shelter, and that it would no doubt protect him from Thor's lightning.


Of Mind and Memory
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("Hellu, I am Muni, and I'm New Boot Goofin' out here!")
Beware of Muninn. He is going though some changes. He can and will become quite erratic!
He is very likely to attempt bodily harm to your character, even when UNPROVOKED!!