Cub of Newbie
Played by Flea

Out of Character
OOC Name: @Flea
Other Characters: N/A

In Character
Full Name: Amaryllis de la Fleur
Age: 8 months
Birthdate: March Y10
Sex: Female
Gender: Female
Size: Medium (H: 3' 6" | W: 345lb)
Rank: Rogue
Appearance: A cream-colored lioness with sooty markings: her face, ears, limbs, and tail are darker than her primary coat. She has a white chin and blaze that extends from her upper lip and over her nose, tapering away between her ears; and a white collar that wraps around her neck, ending half-way down her spine. Her front paws are white and her rear ankles are socked. Beneath her pale, purple eyes are six white dots.
Feathers: N/A