Lion of Prideless
Played by phish

Just how the man had found himself in these parts was beyond him - he wasn't exactly the smallest of creatures and navigating through the trees became increasingly hard when the undergrowth began to crawl towards the sky. It wasn't necessarily the case that he was lost - that would imply that he had a destination in mind. But the fact that he had no direction and no purpose made finding a way out of this labyrinth less of a worry. With a characteristic frown on his lips, the crimp of his brow giving the man a generally grumpy appearance as he moved.

The day was not particularly old when he rose, setting out to find a water source to quench his thirst. It didn't help that he was a clumsy creature by nature, but after stumbling over yet another root and snagging his mane in a dangling vine, Alaric was just about ready to give up. With an irritated hiss, he took a swipe at the offending plant, claws extended to attempt to rip the vine apart and out of his way.
