Lion of Ithilien
Played by ResidentRowan

The man continued to trod smoothly through the waters. He had to walk a bit faster than he normally would, to keep up with his tall companion. The small jab at him made him laugh, yeah, he’d be in some bad luck if he had to outrun Arodion. He wasn’t exactly skilled in racing, better at short sprints. Water flung up at him, and he flinched slightly, before stomping some water back at the other, “hey, don’t be playing dirty now!” He grinned. Though he had to admit he found the whole thing pretty funny.

The silence lengthened between the two of them, but, Abe’s concern was genuine, so he didn’t feel the need to apologize. Although ghost stories didn’t bother him much, he thought it best to not bring it up and tempt fate, or, if the beings were real, tempt the spirits or ghosts. He could definitely see how lions thought the swamp could be haunted, especially in the part they were approaching. It had an unmistakably eerie feeling.

As the ground began to shake, for a moment he worried that they had truly upset some spirits. The lion looked wildly at Arodion, expecting an explanation from the native-born. Arodion spoke, and his ears pinned back, something effected a mountain? That was… concerning. His panic was short lived, though, as the tremors didn’t get worse, and they eventually subsided to a much more dull, barely noticeable shake. He breathed a small sigh of relief, before asking, “earthquakes common around Aesseldar?”

The other asked a different question, and he paused. Thinking if he should mention his father’s tales. Abraham glanced at Arodion for several moments, before he began to follow again. “My father got in trouble when he was young, had just turned two, got a female in another pride pregnant, but, she was already betrothed.” He sighed, “so, he was always paranoid and on the run, and because the pride he was in were nomads, a part of the pride did follow him, for a few months at least,” he shook his head, “when he and my ma had my sisters ‘nd I… they were still running, scared they’d kill us. As punishment.” He snorted, “probably wasn’t a real concern, though, I think he just… didn’t want to risk it. He’d tell us all kinds of tales, from his home pride, we’d come across nesting sites, suddenly abandoned, he’d call ‘em ghost prides, and said that some lonely souls still stalked the place.” He shrugged, “guess hearing ghost stories just makes me a bit bored, but they still make me a bit overly nervous.” He paused, realizing he had spoken for quite a long time, and wondering if he even said anything of substance. Sometimes, Abe just rambled on, without really knowing if what he said was important or boring.

Go West young man
manip by ResidentRowan (me) | code by twesh