Lion of Ithilien
Played by ResidentRowan

Abe stopped once the pale lion ceased his steps, and was a bit grateful for the break, churning through the deep waters and mud were not exactly what he’d call… fun. But conversing with this fella was definitely much more enjoyable. His tail tip lightly skimmed the grimy dark waters. The shorter male stared slightly upward at the tall man. He couldn’t say he liked being on the more average side, especially in situations like this. It made his confidence falter a bit, which he didn’t like, it really shouldn’t matter his height, it stayed in the back of his mind.

The other man’s lips shaped words of ghost stories. Abraham wasn’t sure if he was serious or not, a small, an amused smile crossing his own face. As he continued, Abe still looked a bit unbelieving, but he wasn’t one to tempt fate. It’d be just his luck that spirits would lurk and curse him if he didn’t take them at least semi-seriously. Not like he hadn’t heard of haunted areas before. At the mention of a tundra, he shuddered, “gotta agree with you there, heh, I hate the cold, honest.” It seemed to him a mountain should be much more haunted than a swamp, but what did he know.

Interesting, another man who wasn’t interested in prides, Abe nodded along as the other spoke, showing his attention, meeting his own eyes reflected back at him. As the other continued, his lips seemed to twitch to a more neutral state. He wasn’t exactly fond of pride members trying to get him to join, especially upon first meeting. Although he had to admit, he was a bit eager than normal, he liked Arodion, and he was easy on the eyes. His head tilted a bit, as if thinking on it, “let’s talk some more, perhaps I’ll join the pride, if the right lions convince me,” he looked at him directly then, was that a bit forward? Yes, but the other was being forward in other ways.

Ah yes, the dreaded question he always got. ‘Where ya from?’ He tried not to look impatient, but it was one of his least favorite questions. “I’m from here and there, never really had a true ‘home’ . I don't remember where I was born either,” he said gruffly, “my ma, dad, sisters and I were sort of nomads, without a reason like most nomads.” He didn’t want to mention his dislike of prides was instilled by his father, especially not yet. It was a bit too personal, and some were snobby about lions getting disowned by prides. “So you say you were born here, your folks still around?” He asked, interest sparking in his eyes. He still wasn’t sure what pulled him so much to the huge man, perhaps it was the eyes, or his speech? He wasn’t sure.
Go West young man
manip by ResidentRowan (me) | code by twesh