Lioness of Junior Member
Played by Azzy

Out of Character
OOC Name: @Azzy
Other Characters: @Drakon @Vorri

In Character
Full Name: Aphrodite
Age: 1 year
Birthdate: August year 9
Sex: Female
Gender: Female
Size: Large (H: 3'9 W: 424lbs)
Rank: Rogue
Appearance: black as night covered in markings of snow and ash. her underbelly is a dark ash. ash and snow go up her legs in stripes and socks. ashed stripes on her shoulders, along her tail and back. ash spots on her hips. snow spots on top of her neck as well as white ears and a white masked face and chin with smaller white dots above blood red eyes. Elongated Claws.
Feathers: None