Rex of Ignis Empire
Played by Fess

Out of Character
OOC Name: @Fess
Other Characters: First one
In Character
Full Name: Hunter Shakti
Age: 2
Birthdate: Autumn (November) year 8
Sex: Male
Gender: Male
Size: Large. 3"11', 498lbs
Rank: rogue
Appearance: Acorn base coat, hazelnut stockings, dorsal shading, tail, rump shading, line up the back of limbs, ear tips, along his sides up his neck and some of his face. Warm chocolate brown socks that slowly fade into his hazelnut stockings as they climb. Darker Acorn and hazelnut stripes on his limbs, shoulders, hips, tail, face, and forwardmost ribs. Crème belly, chest, throat, muzzle and strip under his eyes. Green eyes with yellow central heterochromia. Dark brown, Hazlenut, black and red mane and tail tuft. Longer than average canines and claws, slightly longer and more plush fur than standard. (reference image in profile)
Feathers: Free (grand opening character 1)