Empress of Ignis Empire
Played by Karasu

Volcan listened to her story with growing flames in her gullet. The audacity of the vile man..... "How foul. If i could, or knew who he may be, I would drain his blood at one of the altars those foolish people made for me. Truly, i would- for I have found myself enjoying your company. I understand the painful hardships of losing your precious ones, for I had one that died. I had them for only a month, not for as long as you had yours, and the pain I felt when he stopped breathing.... It was like no other. Maybe.... Maybe I can offer you a fresh start, and my assistance of finding both of our daughters. You could follow me, to help me build the fair empire I always imagined. Of course, there will be the authority of ranks and such- but nobody will be treated unfairly." she said, placing one paw gently against Brighid's shoulder, "What do you say, lady Brighid? Would you like to help me create a fair kingdom?"