Lioness of Prideless
Played by Sheena

No mention was made of children again and she silently agrees to let the subject drop. She missed her daughter, well both her daughters. Even though her eldest was the result of a rape, she loved her daughters dearly. Still, it mattered not now as both of them were gone and she could only dream of the day she was reunited with them. Be it while she lived or breathed, or in death. Ears flicked as Volcan concluded that the river probably went underground and she figured that made sense. With the mystery of the river solved – or as solved as it'd be for now – she turned her full attention on Volcan.

"I suppose that makes sense." She concurred about the river, letting the subject drop at that. As volcan mentioned a warrior woman with the same name as hers in the lands she came from she couldn't help but smile slightly. She herself had never backed down from a fight, but she didn't go looking for them. Not since watching her father be murdered before her eyes – though when she was younger she wanted to kill the man who killed her father – and scarred her for life. One does not simply get over that. "An honorable death indeed. I am named after the goddess, Brigid." Her family was Celtic in nature after all, worshipping the gods and goddesses. "I take it by your comment you are not from here either. Have you been here long? I've only arrived days ago." And she was searching for her family. Both her blood family and the family she considered her own as she was devoted to them.

"Speech Here"
Design by Sheena, Ref by ale-tie, code by naboo
