Lioness of Junior Member
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A wasteland was no one’s ideal homestead except Drakon, she imagined. Well, the exception of his mother, of course. Although Hecuba certainly wouldn’t have been enthralled with living in a desert, she would gladly do so if it sang to her husband’s heart.. for a while, she imagined. An oasis certainly sounded appealing and isolated, but how long would such a place hold her affection? Not too terribly long, but again, if it was what Drakon wanted, she would go.

Fortunately, that didn’t seem to be the case.

He spoke of the other Tollaires, of reuniting them under the same banner once more. Hecuba found it curious, she supposed, how eager he was to throw himself back into the depths of leadership. A home for his family, sans children.. she wondered how much of his enthusiasm was simply an attempt to drown out his feelings on the matter. "Then here will be fine, at least until the others make their feelings known on the matter. It is a beautiful place," she conceded, smiling up at him softly.
