Lioness of Prideless
Played by Naboo

She couldn't stop questioning her own intention and now her well-being. There were so many moments which she felt like the world had collapsed her and like a phoenix she'd risen from the ashes, only now to wonder if she could do it again. There would be little left in the wake of her fury, and more now than ever in the tumultuous curves of her rage she found more and more outlet. There was instability and insatiability, the more she wreaked havoc the more she wanted for herself, and it was making it to the point that she could hardly keep that duality of herself secret. Eventually they would catch her, they would find her destroying everything they'd built, and she felt like she could no longer quell that storm. The tempest was rising and though her eyes stared almost warmly towards Brighid, the rage swelled even in the face of a friend. She didn't understand why she could feel such conflicting emotions when internally she cared for Brighid and entrusted her dearly, but it was the fear of failure - like once with Vermillion - that was making her question whether it wasn't her unraveling the strands of her own life.

"Your... daughter?" There was a distant and somewhat surprised smile, and she felt pangs of guilt at herself. "Tell me about her, what is her name? Perhaps I may find her here myself." But another interesting topic came up, and while speaking of allies she found herself more interested in the idea that the Tollaire would rise once more. Their ascent was inevitable, but she felt that their success may be doomed from the start if she could not get herself under control; but the calamity grew ever larger. "Tell me more about Volcan. What does she look like? We will need allies for sure, if they are suitable." There was that poignant democracy that Smaug had held, the one quip of a tongue that solidified the prowess of mind that she occasionally possessed.

art by ki-re, code by naboo