Lion of Prideless
Played by Rabbit

The possibility of getting their undivided attention with his loud and boisterous entrance gave him a high that he rode for less than a second. He was interrupted by the appearance of a scrawny looking female with big, long teeth that protruded out of her lip. The focus shifted on her as she issued her challenge to the much-bigger lion. Zeir frowned as more lions entered, but only one female took notice of his remark. He glanced at her, noticing that she wasn't even looking his way. "Far worse? I think not." He said as loudly as his previous remark. The two lions faced each other in a battle for the unpleasant rainforest full of deadly critters. The red-maned lion remained where he was only because he wanted to know the outcome. When the female was defeated, he watched as two other lions aided her up. So we got a clique, huh? The newly crowned King of the rainforest demanded they leave and Zeir quickly turned around to head out. "All yours, dear." He best look for a mane-stylist from now on, he'll need it.


@ // "Speech"