Lion of Junior Member
Played by Max

Kaden struggled with the endless talking and lack of action behind it. He could wander around Aesseldar until his toes wore off talking with lionesses of what he intended to do, but it would not make him a king until he found a plot of land and pissed it up and down to his liking. After a few weeks spent in the land so that he was somewhat comfortable with the powers that be, he set out for his prize.

The lake was perfect. It was a tantalizing bit of land, fertile and open and teeming with life to utilize for his own purposes. Bitterly, Kaden wished his father could see just what an upgrade this would be over the pride land that had been ripped away from him. This was no waste. This would be his paradise.

Approaching the shores of the water and striking the pose he had been practicing all his life, Kaden spread his weight across each of his limbs and lashed his tail out behind him to aid in his balance and make it more difficult to throw him off balance. He noted the warmth of the sun against his pelt and the distant chatter of animals, finally belting out a disruptive roar to declare himself an owner around here.


Table by Naboo | @Zeir