Lioness of Prideless
Played by Plymouth

"At least you don't seem to be the lying type." The blue woman made a noise somewhere between a snort and a huff, the closest to a laugh that the woman usually got. "Lying is for pussies." The ones that couldn't handle saying it like it was or tried to sugarcoat things. For what? The truth always eventually got out. Why dance around the truth like a wimp? Lying for gain? Blue hated it and tried not to do so unless absolutely necessary which wasn't the case here.

Hmph, and there was more of that sass. In some lions she may have been annoyed but for this one... well, it amused her. It seemed like she was so confident. Was that a sex joke that she'd done? Blue wasn't the quickest on the uptake for such things but she could recognize a joke for when it was said. The lioness gave another of those strange huffs of amusement. "Should be." The gal played along with her but in her straight delivery manner. Face didn't change expression and there was no smile upon her face.

Helayne. She stored the name away in her memory banks while she listened to the woman's questions. "'Bout a week or two. Not seen any natives. Strange, that." She gave a noncommittal shrug to her first sentence. The woman hadn't stopped to ponder it but it was a little strange that she had yet to meet any lions that were from this area. Maybe she'd run into some eventually.

253| @Helayne | notes

"Whatever it takes,"
I love the adrenaline in my veins

Lion © Michael Rodock | Coding & Manip © Plymouth