Lioness of Junior Member
Played by nyx

CUTTHROAT WOMAN; Her own mother was born by a lake and she and her sisters too were born by its side. Ankh also knew that the lake was sacred - at least the ones in her home land was. But the lake had gradually vanished over time, a mysterious entity scuffling it out of existence. And then a great mountainous region was placed over it. Hence why they relocated somewhere to the east of Aesseldar. Almost homeless. Almost extinct. By the time Ankh turned one, there were so few of that familiar red pelt frolicking among the land. So few who belonged to a clan named Nara. And so she sometimes wandered here, hoping to see a familiar red-coated woman, markings dark, body entirely unblemished by any form of injuries or paints. But it wasn't easy for her fantasy to come true. So she must live on, sharpen her skills, and recreate her bloodline from scratch.