Lioness of Prideless
Played by violetta

I want to be alone,
Alone with you — does that make sense?
trekking through the woodland, helayne felt the muscles in her body relax. she felt anonymous among the trees, her curly brown fur an occasional flash, blending well with the scenery. it wasn't often that she let herself unwind in a strange land. the woman had been travelling for so long, since the moment she reached adulthood. spring felt like it was eons ago, a sore that she rarely tapped - preferred to pretend didn't exist. she didn't have a history, and dwelling on that blank space was unreasonable. helayne was a nomad. best to keep it that way.

having cleared that mental block up - the sense that she could get comfortable, (ridiculous) - the lioness continued moving through the fog, taking little care to mask the sound of her steps. there was such a heavy gloom, shadows were littered everywhere, who would search her out anyway?

Photo by Polina Kuzovkova on Unsplash