Lion of Junior Member
Played by vae

Harper's response to his comment wasn't as negative as he, perhaps, expected. She seemed somewhat embarrassed, but he hoped the soft smile he offered would help alleviate that. He didn't blame her. Whatever she had gone through had happened, and there was no changing that. If this was a reaction to that trauma, it was going to more than a year or so of traveling together. He reminded himself to be patient and not to push her. Kilian focused on the fact that she wanted to hunt with him, which meant that he was going to have to come off as impressive as he could. Hunting wasn't a strong suit of his, yet he could do it. His mothers had taught him and all of his siblings to hunt, and this practice continued into their adolescence.

"Great!" he tilted his head a little and flashed some teeth in his smile. Shifting gears, he turned to scent the air. His jaws parted to get a better idea of what was around them, and almost straight away he was struck by the smell of warthog. Kilian glanced to Harper, lowering his voice, "Warthog, this way. Do you want to chase or cut it off?"
