Lioness of Junior Member
Played by vae

A voice filled her ears, causing one to twitch toward the sound. Pawsteps followed, clambering along the stone, and Melinoe turned her head to find a lioness quickly approaching her. The fur along her back bristled. Never one to allow anyone to advance on her so readily from behind, she whipped around to face the brave stranger. The warrior's gaze was severe: a sparkle of amethyst nestled amidst darker substructure. She waited until her unexpected companion was close enough so that she didn't have to yell to be heard.

"What sort of fool approaches a lion from behind?" she demanded sharply. "Even a cub knows better than that." Her voice was naturally lower in register, grating like the sound of two geodes clattering together. Despite her annoyance, she wouldn't chance this lioness away -- not unless she had reason to. If she was honest, she would sooner fight her over anything else. "No more than you," Melinoe finally answered Roslyn's question. "I take it you're not from here, either."
