Lioness of Junior Member
Played by Mara

Well that’s… surprising. Arcane’s eyes widen a fraction at that final reply, the threat hardly phasing her enough to react at all. But that second sentence catches Arcane’s surprise and attention. There’s no hiding it, or any attempt to smother the reaction.

"Oh? So you claimed a pride, a decent plot of land, and you’re gonna keep it all to yourself?" Ears flick back against her head, but there’s no scorn in her lilting voice. Just confusion. "Pretty rude of ya." Arcane’s tail flicked out behind her, and with her final words she shakes out her pelt, heedless of the king in front of her in the splash zone. "And pretty dumb. I heard the call all the way from home. Everyone’s gonna be sticking their noses in here pretty soon."
