Lioness of Prideless
Played by Zena

She had plenty of warning that Hecuba was coming at her, but she was still taken by surprise by the tackle hug that she received. They went over and Arcania landed with a quiet oof that was more of surprise than anything else. Was this what it was like to have friends? She'd never known before. It was, admittedly, slightly more exuberant than when Gabriel had greeted her when they had first found him in the jungle. Surprising even herself, a quiet purr escaped her as Hecuba spoke.

"Oh yeah? You haven't already gotten into trouble here without me then I suppose?" she asked. It'd be a damn shame to be sure. If anyone was going to be getting into trouble around here it ought to be her. She also wondered if they were going to take another pride or if they were going to chill out for a while, but that was a far less important question. She didn't care about living within the boundary of a pride, if she was being honest. It didn't make a difference one way or another. Honestly, it might be easier if she wasn't living in a pride considering she could get into trouble as she pleased without having to worry about anyone else.
