Lioness of Prideless
Played by Cat

She had noted the way the lady would cast her gaze from Rue to the beach at her backside. A smirk evident on her lips, though she reigned it in a fraction to keep from being too rude, of course. The question wasn't one she often found confronted with outright. She mulled the thought over as she chose to finally relieve her paws of her weight. Hind limbs plopped her tailless rump on the warmed sand. "A bit o' everythin' me reckon." She watched the features of the other to see how she took the vague answer. She gave a soft chuckle."We explore, werk fer hire, plunder, 'ave fun... ye be knowin', th' usual." Thick shoulders rise and fall in a gentle shrug as if it was casual common knowledge of what a pirate does in their past time or work time. In truth, it was often the dirty work that no one else wanted to do and rather pay off a hand to manage it.

Rue didn't mind though jobs weren't an often gig (or at the least, not often went how it was supposed to). She much rather chose to find or take things that she wanted or needed. Usually not from anyone who didn't deserve it in the first place. "What do ye do? Just 'ta roamin' gypsy o' somethin'?"
