Lion of Junior Member
Played by Gunner

It would seem like he would be runnin' into other lions that haven't been here for long. She was the third one that had either just arrived or have been here for less than a couple of months. All fresh minds takin' on a new land, how refreshin'. "I haven't been here t' long myself. Perhaps a week?" Lucien couldn't exactly remember when he arrived in Aesseldar, but it hadn't been more than two weeks tops, maybe. Time seemed to blur a little for him from adventurin' and figurin' out which spots he liked the most here.

Golden eyes would take an observant glance at their surroundin's once before allowin' attention to be placed fully back on Rue. He would note the braid that had fallen in front of her eyes, a brow risin' subtly at the look of it. Never had he seen somethin' like that before, and for a moment he wondered how one would even be able to do that. Such a big world with so many things he didn't know or understand, all somethin' he was open to learn about. "Might be an odd question, but how'd ya' get yer hair to look like that?" His chin would motion toward Rue, his question asked in a drawlin', polite tone. He was curious and wanted to know.

