Lioness of Prideless
Played by Sheena

Joyous was one way to describe her, not only had she found her Da but she had met her uncle as well, and learned of other Tollaire who were here. She was no longer lost, scared and alone. Of course she would never admit that she was scared, not out loud at least. But inside her own head, in her own mind she could admit it. Because she had been, but now she felt safe. So there was a happier beat to her gait as she headed back to the wastelands once again as it was here that she felt connected to both parents. Stories of her mother growing up in a place kinda similar but not exact. First an Oasis, then a crater... both were not your typical places to live and yet her Ma had.

Dual-toned gaze shifted upwards towards the towering rocks once more, still wary about how sturdy they were but they were the few sources of shade here. So still she moves into the shade of one, before lowering her rump to the earth and simply being. Nostrils flared taking in the scents in the air, listening as the air blew across the lands. Muscles relaxed where she sat, mind at ease for once.

html by castlegraphics; image by Sanctuare