Lioness of Prideless
Played by Sheena

She could not put into words how thrilled she felt with first finding her father and now an apparent uncle, as well as learnining other kin were here. So she remained silent, waiting to see what his opinion of the lands were. While she had not explored all of them, the ones she had found were nice. She had even kinda joined a pride though she still needed to speak with Barnabas about leaving if her Da wished to settle elsewhere. She did not know where her Da wanted to put down roots but she knew where she had left him to go explore, and it had made sense to her. Ma had told her they lived in a crater, so finding her father in the Calderon Waste made sense in a weird way. “He was in the Calderon Waste when I left to explore some more... the place with the towering rock piles? ”

She did not know if he was still there, however, but perhaps it would give Drakon a lead. “I must admit, I do not remember my birthlands.” She said, glancing around them at the ocean – which was a beautiful view – and towards the inland. “I can understand why she would like the ocean view, it is beautiful. ” She herself was drawn to water, and thus why she had been excited to explore the shoreline.

html by castlegraphics; image by Sanctuare
