Lioness of Prideless
Played by Cat

She was thrilled to learn of his name as he gave it to her. She locked the little tidbit of information away. She had decided it was important enough to keep for later use if need be. She had no issue in getting her half down quickly. She had no real reason to savor the rat anyway. There was only enough to tide her over a few hours, perhaps long enough to find a larger meal. Even if it required forcing a sibling or crewmate to help out.

She watched as he finally ate his share and stood once more. Finally, she figured she could do the same. Limbs gathered beneath her slate frame and pushed it from the ground. Loose debris fell back to the surface. "I reckon I be. Me crew 'n I arrived outside th' land a few moons ago." One should rose to shrug casually. "Hows' about yerself?" She left her dainty smile on her lips as cranium tilted to the side. A braid fell in front of pale eyes.
