Lioness of Prideless
Played by Cat

The lake water was cool and gave her a refreshed feel. Her mouth now moistened once more after the drink. Slowly she pulled her eyes back toward the bend where she could just make out the brute along it. He had made no move to rise and approach. Rue considered the fact she should leave him be. However, she could not deny the curiosity that nagged at her. With a grunt, she rose from her crouch and shook away the dirt that had managed to find a way to cling to her fur.

She wasted no time as she turned to face his direction. A simple smile slapped on to her lips as she meandered forward with a gentle sway of her feminine hips. Casually she flung back the locks, and braid or two, that had fallen forward. She would stop with a few lion lengths to part them. "Ahoy thar' matey! Care t' share yer relaxation, or be that too forward o' me t' ask?"
