Empress of Ignis Empire
Played by Karasu

The ember eyed woman's gaze hardened, and a small snarl lifted on her maw. She knew she was in no shape to fight him, but she would not stand there and take such bold words from someone who was not enlightened. Dare he stand up to a goddess? To say such things to the face of one who was born with a crown? Dare the ashen man be such a fool? She forced her hackles to lay back down, and the obsidian woman too a deep breath, and sat back on her haunches, stance even prouder than before, golden gaze still like volcanic rock.

Long claws kneaded at the grassy bed below her, a distraction from digging them instead into his eyes, those eyes that dared look at her as an equal. But to have her kingdom grow, she needed ti listen to her people and their needs. Munnin, ashen boy~ clearly you know nothing of my kingdom, of my rule. So let me tell you. She began, her last words nearly spat at his feet. She had a temper, she knew, and was trying hard to keep it in check. Those who serve beneath me are treated fairly. I rule a fair kingdom, I may be empress, and you may have a king, but the word of those considered common are taken into consideration. I rule based on the needs of those who are technically beneath me, and all i ask of my people is respect, loyalty, and to provide as needed. She began to stand back up, folded ears like a demonic crown of horns upon her head, Now, do you understand?

Code by Naboo, Ref by Habitual Nightmare