Lion of Prideless
Played by Tyrannidae

Alright. This interaction was beginning to be far too painful for him to endure. Muninn considered finding a new shelter... but the thought of the lightening strike finding it's mark upon his back made him weary. Still, this other male's explanation as to where he came from was... well, honestly exactly what Muninn might have expected from him. Might the risk be worth it?

"Well, explaining my origin can be a bit... complicated. I hail from the utmost northern lands, though. This is the farthest south I've been in my life.

Getting used to the rain rather than the snow has proven rather grueling for me."

Muninn chuckled dryly. He was unsure what else there was to say. This conversation was so forced and unnatural. Perhaps silence would be the best route for the duration of the storm now.

Finding a flat-enough spot of stone just above the puddle he had previously been wading in, Muninn curled up and closed his eyes. He had decided long ago this male was no threat to him. In fact, he was so sure of this that he felt no nagging in his mind that it might not be safe for him to lower his guard and fall asleep. In fact, it seemed to be the best possible solution for this unfortunate lack of chemistry. Not so surprising to Muninn... he didn't click often with others anyway.

"Forgive me, but I haven't slept well in at least a week or so. I hope you don't mind if I catch up on some desperately needed sleep."

And that was it... at least hopefully. Muninn hoped that when he awoke, his newest aquaintainence would be gone... just as he hoped the rain will have passed on. Here's to optimism!

(Exit Muninn)

Of Mind and Memory
stock by xxxx | manip by xxx | code by twesh

@Abraham (Just for the record, I love Abraham!!! <3 I'm sorry Muninn is such an awkward buttface that hates socializing lol)

("Hellu, I am Muni, and I'm New Boot Goofin' out here!")
Beware of Muninn. He is going though some changes. He can and will become quite erratic!
He is very likely to attempt bodily harm to your character, even when UNPROVOKED!!