Lion of Ithilien
Played by Naboo

There was a decadence with which she regaled him, the show placed the moment she jumped down and through the duration of her consideration for his request. It was almost endearing, if one could endear themselves to someone that was nearly a complete stranger. She seemed kind, even though she was clearly enjoying his misery far too much. "I will have to repay you in more than kind." A lilt of his voice somewhat faux mocking as she began helping him.

The vines began to unravel from his body and pulled away in a way that felt more liberating than he had imagined. Some of his fur still stuck in the wrong direction from where the wet vines had left their mark and other parts of his chocolate and creamy coat were stained with green and brown residue. When she began to gnaw on one of the vines he assisted unhooking his particularly tangled right leg, pulling back until at last it unhooked from behind his elbow and he was freed once more, ears popping forward and he turned to her, graciously and over-acting as he bowed to her. "I am indebted to you, madame. What is your name? I'm Arodion, from the Ithilien Pride of the forest." The introduction felt strange rolling from his tongue and all at once it settled so comfortably and well.

art by munk, code by naboo