Lion of Junior Member
Played by Max

Kaden was not aware of the tight smile stretching at the edges of his lips or the gleam of satisfaction that shone from his gaze. He was wrapped up in the feeling of walking against cool earth under his paw pads and the shrill burning of cold in his sinuses--the tell-tale signs of his most familiar stomping grounds. This was not the land he had reigned in or even anywhere near it, but there was no one there to tell him this. He could pretend he was familiar and comfortable and that he held the advantage of home.

The sound of a nearby thud and airy breaths caused his ears to swivel like velvet radars honing in on an enemy signal. Kaden stopped briefly, scanning the horizon for any signs of life. He looked over the grove a few times before finally distinguishing what he suspected was the figure of another cat from the towering trunks standing guard over them.

"You there--who owns this land?" He called out over the distance of a few yards. His posture remained statuesque as he waited to be able to disqualify the creature as an enemy.

Table by Naboo