Empress of Ithilien
Played by Nova

Tintalle was ever so delighted that her pride was coming along. It was taking a little extra time but she was happy to be giving some individuals a home where they could grow. A place they could be seen and live their life as happily as they wanted. She would never instruct them to stay within the confines of the pride but rather she wanted them to explore and to get to know themselves as well as find others that also might want to do the same. While she might not know Edgar's excitement to start new, she understood what it felt like to want to try something she never tried before. Leading was just that - a new surprise. I always tell others that I'm terrible at talking about myself but I guess it's one way to get better, huh? she laughed, likely quite uncomfortably as she struggled to find really great words to describe herself. I left my birth pride when I was two. I came here and decided that I wanted to try something new - to be a leader and to welcome others in. My favorite place should be Ithilien, and I do love it, but I really love the Glade to the west. Full of lavender and I'm a pretty good healer. Though, that last bit she hadn't quite gotten to really utilize but there would come a day when someone would need it.
