Lion of Prideless
Played by Azzy

Drakon Tollaire

"One day, for now I don't worry. My children are Tollaire and will thrive where ever they may end up." Though they were young, he was sure that if they stuck together that they would be just fine. And even though he will never admit it, deep down he did worry over his children but that would never show. They were his weakness. Just as much as Hecuba was. Though her next words were words that he could agree with, however, Drakon knew better than to act out on his own without being ready for the consequences that would arise from such actions. "One day, for now I don't worry. One day we will rise together." And they would. And when the time was right, Drakon would be there for them all, ready to be there when needed like a hound. "Arysnia, had spoken of a man called Kaden. I have yet to meet him though." And he planned to but it was just a matter of finding this man in order to do so. However, the last thing that he expected was her compliment and the shock showed on his features for a split second before it disappeared. "Funny, I think I'm the farthest from looking like father. I only have the chevrons and eyes." And that was true.


Table by Naboo